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Clay Clark is the Founder of the RE-AWAKEN AMERICA TOUR & HOST OF THE THRIVETIME SHOW PODCAST. HE IS A HUSBAND, FATHER, AUTHOR of "FEAR UNMASKED: Discover the Truth Behind the C-VIRUS SHUTDOWN.” Mr. Clark's Websites: https://www.thrivetimeshow.com/business-coach-podcast https://timetofreeamerica.com/revelation/ Christi Given is a former Trinity Broadcasting Network & JUCE TV Host. She has been heard on KPRZ (Kpraise Radio), KKLA radio, and is the host of "TRUTH NEWS" and HOLYWOOD TV, as seen on Rumble and Frank Speech. Her podcast Building Holywood: in Media, Music & Technology is on Spotify & Anchor FM. Go to: HolywoodNetwork.org for more information or for more about her ministry, go to: www.christigiven.com
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