Channel Description:

Christi Given is a former Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) and JUCE TV Network host of 7 years, who reports on TRUTH NEWS her new TV Show segment produced by her media platform called, "the HOLY-WOOD NETWORK." Watch inspiring interviews, get news coverage on the good news and the truth from a Biblical perspective. Go to for more! Subscribe, like, and share this channel with friends and family! All rights reserved. TM (C) 

Social Media: @HolywoodNetwork

Given also hosts her radio show/podcast, "BUILDING HOLYWOOD." Listen to her podcast on Spotify or watch here on FRANK or Rumble. 

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Channel Stats:

Created: 10/20/2021

Followers: 5

Channel Playlists

19 Videos

Holy-Wood Podcast

5 Videos

Truth News

6 Videos