Dan Shoemaker Interview - Reciprocal Ministries International - OvercomersTV.Live - #282

About a year ago

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Having grown up in Haiti as a missionary kid and then spending 25 years living in Haiti, Dan has a unique understanding of the needs of the Haitian churches, communities, and schools. As a co-founder of RMI in 1988 and VP/Field Leader of RMI for 17 years, Dan has been able to bring vision and leadership to RMI as it grew. Since becoming President in 2006, he has had the opportunity to continue this vision by seeing new programs and innovation have great impact through RMI. RMI’s tagline of seeing lives (both US and Haitian) transformed in Christ and providing hope for their future has been a driving force for him and his team. In addition to leading RMI, in 2020 he co-founded the United American Chamber of Commerce of Southwest FL. He received his Master's in Organizational Leadership from Columbia International University in 2022. He and his wife, Debbie, have two adult children and two grandchildren. Their son, daughter-in-law and 2 grandchildren live in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Their daughter and her new husband are missionaries with RMI and live and minister in Aux Cayes, Haiti on the same mission center where she was born and grew up. Although Dan grew up riding enduro motorcycles in Haiti and used that mode of transportation all during his service in Haiti, he has fulfilled his dream of getting his US motorcycle license and enjoys riding his 2005 Kawasaki 1600 Vulcan Nomad with the motorcycle club from his church. He also enjoys reading and cooking. He recently took up kayaking and enjoys paddling around the backwaters of Southwest Florida. And this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith... https://overcomerstv.live


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