America’s Mondays With Mary – August 14, 2023

About a year ago

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America's Future

9 Subscribers

“Think critically; be lions, not sheep. God gave us a brain and expects us to use it. Push back against tyranny. Turn off fake news and seek out the truth, praying always for wisdom and discernment.”

Listen to America’s Mondays With Mary to hear more thoughts and insights from our fellow Americans about the perversion or inversion of language used to deceive Americans for power and control, plus if they think we are living in the world that George Orwell described in his book “1984.”

Watch America’s Mondays With Mary with Mary O’Neill, Executive Director of America’s Future, every Monday at 9 AM when she shares what’s on the minds and in the hearts of people across the country.

Listen to America’s Mondays With Mary on CloutHub, FaceBook, Rumble, and Spotify.

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