The Patriot Review With Jeff Wagner
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Jeff is joined by very special guest Jared Knott, author of "Tiny Blunders/Big Disasters: Thirty-Nine Tiny Mistakes That Changed the World Forever." Knott was a decorated combat infantry officer in Vietnam in the First Air Cavalry Division.
In the final analysis, a reasonable and persuasive argument can be made that the war in Ukraine and the war with Israel could both have been avoided if Donald Trump were still President of the United States. A summary of the pivotal points regarding each conflict is as follows:
The War in Ukraine. There was little or no aggression on the part of Putin when Donald Trump was in the White House. Trump told Putin that if he invaded Ukraine that the U.S. would bomb Moscow. Putin understood the message. But the Russians saw weakness and opportunity in Biden’s bungling of Afghanistan. With high expectations of success the invasion of Ukraine was therefore launched.
The War in Israel 2023. The appeasement program from the Biden Administration of allowing billions of petro dollars to flow into the radical theocracy of Iran was like pouring gasoline (or more specifically petroleum) on a smoldering fire. What could possibly go wrong? This was a reckless and myopic mistake that the previous administration would never have made.
The final point to be made is this: The world would be a far better place if the United States had been led by a wise and practical leader rather than a bumbling and corrupt appeaser. There is a lesson here for all nations of the world to learn and to carefully remember.
Jared Knott has had numerous articles published in the Mensa Bulletin and in graduate school textbooks on subjects ranging from Supreme Court Reform to Arctic Exploration. He was a decorated combat infantry officer in Vietnam in the First Air Cavalry Division. In his civilian career, he has served as a vice president of sales + marketing and marketing director in the home improvement industry. A father of five, he lives in the Atlanta area with his wife, Kathryn.
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