As American Citizens Cut Back On Food Elitists Seek to Seize Primaries | Rev Jim Harden, Jeffrey Adam
2 years ago
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Nancy Pelosi lands in Taiwan to appear as the strength of the American government while China begins to prepare for war against us. Throughout the Biden presidency the United States has become weaker and its enemies have advanced upon them. What is Nancy Pelosi, an obvious shill of China, really up to as she visits Taiwan? There could be problems behind closed doors while the world tries to watch. Did Joe Biden send her there while publicly acting in opposition to it?
Meanwhile, Americans have felt the crunch from the stagflation and manufactured crises around them. They have cut back on buying food - a dangerous sign that the nation is moving into desperation. Will the United States see a collapse soon? Victories have become more prevalent but are they enough to move forward? Will the nation ignite against the iron fist of tyranny which was allowed to gain strength?
On the night of the August 4th primaries Dustin takes to question President Trump's continued endorsement of establishment candidates while the nation experiences losses of America First Candidacies. With eyes on Arizona Dustin draws a sharp contrast of those who easily win as bad endorsements and those who don't get through as easily that are excellent choices. Will President Trump struggle again during presidency due to backstabbing RINO candidates?
Reverend Jim Harden of CompassCare Pregnancy Resource Centers joins to discuss the reopening of its Buffalo field office which was firebombed by Jane's Revenge on June 7, 2022. An act has been introduced to combat attacks on these resource centers by Senator Josh Hawley. How will these pregnancy resource centers now compete against the abortion clinics which are seemingly closing across various states? Has the tide truly changed?
Jeffrey Adam joins to discuss his invention of Micronic Silver which has been endorse by Dr. Sherri Tenpenney and now Dr. Judy Mikovits. Is this a better product than colloidal silver or ionic silver? Will the benefits improve the health of the nation?
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