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Kathryn Raaker
5 subscribers

Channel Description:

As the Founder and CEO of Tri-State Connection, LLC (a global multimedia and PR company) and Vice President of Multi Media Relations for Simul TV Global, Kathryn Raaker is an original media triple threat in her roles as Producer, Writer, and Host of multiple TV and Radio series spanning several decades. Drawing from her experiences to guide her creations, Kathryn’s past has included everything from running multiple non-profits helping those in need to advise and assisting professionals relocating overseas. A world traveler herself – she’s lived on four different continents - Kathryn uses those connections to take her audience on amazing adventures all around the globe.

As a media creator, Kathryn has developed programs for children and adults and produced significant events in Singapore, Turkey, England, Spain, and of course, the United States. Kathryn is also a published novelist, having appeared in numerous publications worldwide as she promotes her fictional series of world adventures, full of drama and intrigue.

Channel Stats:

Created: 4/17/2021

Subscribers: 5

Channel Playlists

2 Videos
